Vollenweider opened this years WSF 2004.
AV was invited by the WSF to hold keynote speech, naturally with musical elements included.
The 2nd. WSF World Spirit Forum took place from Sunday January 16th through Wednesday January 19th, 2005 in Arosa, Switzerland. The theme this year was 'Open Your Heart - United Responsibility'.
The WSF World Spirit Forum is an annual world congress for spiritually oriented leaders and participants from various fields such as science, economy, religion, culture, society and sports. The WSF World Spirit Forum defines itself as an independent but complementary event to the World Economic Forum in Davos.
The goal and vision of the WSF World Spirit Forum is to provide a global, ideologically independent platform and venue where creative minds from all fields of society can meet and develop ideas and opinions on the main issues challenging our world today. The encounters between scientists, theologians, policy-makers and practitioners encourages the mutual exchange of visions and experiences as well as the planning and implementing of projects and plans.
The WSF World Spirit Forum is the future annual meeting point of spiritually oriented world leaders seeking exchanges, dialogue and contact with their peers.
Very promising opportunity to get first hand information from a impressive list of highly competent people, to exchange ideas and more.
It became clear once again, that in order to inspire society to make room for its spirituality, it requires intense work on many levels of our lives, so it does not become another version of what we are trying to grow beyond, but much rather something we can experience every second of our lives, if we want it. It seems conspicious; we will need to become even more patient.
For more details check in at www.worldspiritforum.org.html